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Terms and Conditions for Ear Wax removal at Sofina Ear Care Ltd

At your initial appointment you will be asked a series of questions regarding your ears, previous issues, current medication etc. It is imprtant that you answer these questions as honestly and accurately as possible as your answers will determine the best course of treatment for you.

 The answers you provide will be stored along with your other patient data and held as part of your case history. It will only be shared with other medical professionals where it helps with further assessment or treatment. It will never be used for marketing purposes. These records shall be kept for a minimum of 7 Years as recommended by BSHAA.

Wax removal via micro suction is considered safer than other methods such as syringing. However, syringing, irrigation, or probe removal may be undertaken if considered to be more appropriate by the clinician. Your ear wax removal will be performed by a trained clinician working to the protocols set out within The Hearing Lab Store's Aural Micro Suction Procedures Manual.


Incidents during ear wax removal are uncommon, especially with micro-suction. However, possible minor risks that can occur and are deemed to be acceptable include: small nicks to the ear canal which can result in minor bleeding, soreness, mild discomfort and short-term ringing in the ear (tinnitus). To ensure the risk of complication is minimal, it is essential that accurate past medical history is supplied to our clinicians. More serious risk to the ear or eardrum can occur if the client does cannot remain adequately still during the procedure. Clients should inform the clinician of any likely movements.


Further possible complications, side-effects and material risks inherent in the procedure include but are not limited to the incomplete removal of ear wax requiring a return visit (for severely impacted wax), persistent tinnitus, perforation of the eardrum, hearing loss and infection. To keep the risk of infection to a minimum, all equipment used in the ear is sterilised or single-use. However, there is always a risk that infection may occur once out of the practitioner's care. Please contact the clinician for a follow-up visit should you experience any discomfort or worrying symptoms.


The CE marked suction unit is designed to remove fluids from the airway or respiratory support system and infectious materials from wounds. It has been adapted for the use of aural micro-suction.

Before your examination and treatment is carried out you will be asked so give written consent.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you accept that you have read and understood the possible complications that may occur and agree that the hearing specialist cannot be held responsible for them. 



Covid 19

Due to government, Public Health England and professional bodies guidelines, strict protocols have been adopted to ensure the safety of all our patients and staff.


"Please help us to keep our patients safe by cancelling your appointment if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone with covid symptoms."


  • Only One Patient at a time on the premises. You may be accompanied by one carer or relative, preferably from the same household

  • Strict Appointment Times- To allow for a full clean of the clinic between patients you are respectfully asked not to enter the clinic until your allotted appointment time. Please wait outside or in your vehicle and you will be greeted at the door when it is safe for you to enter.

  • You will be asked to use the hand sanitiser provided before entering.

  • You will be provided with a medical grade mask to wear on entering the premises. You are expected to wear this mask for the duration of your appointment.

  • Your temperature will be taken and recorded.

  • You will be asked  Covid screening questions.

  • If you know you have a perforated eardrum or an active infection please tell the clinician immediately.

  • You are requested to pay by card if possible.

  • ​

In return you can expect Sofina clinicians to:


  • Stay up to date with and implement protocols from BSHAA

  • Thoroughly clean all surfaces and equipment prior to your arrival

  • To be wearing PPE at all times

  • To observe the 2M rule where possible, aside from during examination and the procedure itself

  • To self- monitor daily for Covid 

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